The ALSA Council is a body comprising of the ALSA Executive, the ALSA Committee and two representatives (usually the president and a vice president) from each of the 39 law student societies in Australia.
The Council meets three times a year. As ALSA's managing body, the Council discusses any current issues in ALSA administration. The Council also discusses national issues in legal education to inform the stance that the ALSA Executive & Committee takes on these issues. The Council's most important function is as a knowledge sharing forum for law student societies. Each meeting includes a number of workshops, seminars and break-out groups on topics nominated by councillors based on issues facing their law society.
February Council is an opportunity for incoming LSS/A representatives to get together and prepare for the year. February Council 2017 will be in beautiful Newcastle, we look forward to seeing you there.
Note that the formal agenda for Council will be released closer to the date.
Thursday (Pre-Council): Beach Afternoon / Evening
Friday (Council Day 1): 9-5pm Council, 6:30pm-late Customs House (Canapes and Drinks)
Saturday (Council Day 2): 9-5pm Council
Sunday (Council Day 3): 9-3pm Council
Important Documents
Action Items
NB: Interested in Access & Inclusion and Competitions? Make sure you attend the Competitions Breakout Group session.
Registration for ALSA February Council 2017 is now open. For further information about Council, please see above.
- Council - $245 pp (includes accommodation (Fri + Sat), lunch (Fri, Sat + Sun) and dinner/drinks (Fri).
- Pre-Council - $90 pp (includes accommodation (Thurs)
Key LOCATIONS and transport information
Hotel: Travelodge Hotel, 12 Steel Street, Newcastle
Newcastle City Hub (Campus): Level 1, University House, The University of Newcastle, King and Auckland St, Newcastle
Customs House: 1 Bond Street, Newcastle
Newcastle Airport: 1 Williamtown Dr, Williamtown NSW 2318
Note: If taking the train from Sydney, go to Hamilton Station and catch the free 110 Shuttle to the hotel.
If you have any questions please email Meena (Conference Convenor).