Policy and Media

One of the core activities of ALSA is to advocate for the interests and concerns of Australian law students. ALSA sets out to ensure that law students have a representative voice to the higher education sector, government, the legal profession and the community.

Young Legal Minds to Unite at ALSA’s January Council

Over three days, from Friday, 17 January, to Sunday, 19 January, the legal leaders of tomorrow came together at a dynamic Council Meeting to share ideas, learn from industry leaders, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of legal education and practice.

The event brought law students representing Law Student Societies and Associations (LSS/A’s) from across the country to engage in workshops, brainstorming sessions, and networking opportunities designed to inspire and empower the next generation of legal professionals.

Council Highlights:

● Friday, 17 January:

The first day at January Council included many sessions but the delegate highlight of the day was a presentation from Morton Herschderfer, Executive Director of College of Law, NSW. Morton presented an engaging session that discussed Artificial Intelligence in a new and lighthearted way. The day also featured strategic planning workshops to assist students with the year ahead.

● Saturday, 18 January:

Delegates explored best practices in fundraising and engaged in collaborative breakout sessions. The day’s highlight was the host University session presented by the University of Technology Sydney Law Student Society, which explored their engagement strategy with students. This was followed by an evening of socialising at Cabana Bar.

The full statement can be found here.

Disability and Higher Education in Australia

The National Union of Students (‘NUS’), Australian Law Students’ Association (‘ ALSA’) and the Australian Medical Students’ Association (‘ AMSA’) have joined forces to demand the higher education sector to take strong measures to address discrimination experienced by people with disability in Australia.

The joint position statement and research report from ALSA, AMSA, & NUS — titled ‘Disability & Higher Education in Australia’ — leverages case studies, stakeholder consultations, and interdisciplinary research to scrutinise and investigate the extent of structural ableism within Australia’s higher education sector.

Endorsed by more than thirty bodies including People with Disability Australia (‘PWDA’), National Ethnic Disability Alliance (‘NEDA’), Women With Disabilities Australia (‘WWDA’), First Peoples Disability Network (‘FPDN’), Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (‘AFDO’), and the Grace Tame Foundation, this landmark report marks the first time in many years that the voice of disabled staff & students have been meaningfully heard within higher education.

The report’s findings illuminate the urgency of the need for systemic reform.

The full statement can be found here.

The ‘Disability & Higher Education in Australia’ report can be found here.

Religious Discrimination Bill

The Australian Law Students’ Association is disappointed by the proposed
‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ in Parliament. ALSA firmly believes that all persons, without
regard to their age, disability, sex, gender identity, intersex status, or sexual orientation should be protected from discrimination of any kind. This includes public life, including education and employment. ALSA is proud to be the peak representative body for law students around Australia and believe that we find strength in the diversity of the students we represent.

The full statement can be found here.

Advocacy Initiatives

The Australian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) is thrilled to announce the proposed
expansion of its Education Portfolio in the 2021-2022 term. The following positions will be introduced:

  • Diversity and Inclusion Officer

  • Indigenous Officer

  • Disability Officer

ALSA is committed to the
amplification of diverse voices in our pursuit of a future which is fundamentally built on
inclusivity, respect and representation.

The full statement can be found here.

Raise the Age Statement

The Australian Law Students’ Association welcomes a discussion surrounding the age of criminal responsibility in Australia but is disappointed by the states’ Attorneys-Generals recent statement of support to raise the age to just 12 years old. Across Australia, police currently have the power to arrest, strip-search and imprison children as young as 10. ALSA calls on the relevant stakeholders to advocate for the age to be raised to at least 14 years old, consistent with international standards.

The full statement can be found here.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Statement

The need to raise awareness and reduce stigma of mental health in law schools and the legal profession is a continuing issue ALSA strives to address. The release of our mission statement is the first step in achieving these goals.

The full statement can be found here.


Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Bullying and harassment is an issue which disproportionately affects young legal professionals, especially women. We all need to work together to make sure our workplaces are safe for everyone. On Tuesday 9 July at Council during the 40th Anniversary ALSA Conference, Council unanimously voted on the below Mission Statement on Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace. Following the acceptance of this statement, the ALSA released the below Media Statement on 18 July 2019.

The full statement can be found here.

Media Enquiries

Rebecca Ferguson