ALSA COUNCIL - September 2018
The ALSA Council is a body comprising of the ALSA Executive, the ALSA Committee and two representatives (usually the president and a vice president) from each of the 39 law student societies in Australia.
The Council meets three times a year. As ALSA's managing body, the Council discusses any current issues in ALSA administration. The Council also discusses national issues in legal education to inform the stance that the ALSA Executive & Committee takes on these issues. The Council's most important function is as a knowledge sharing forum for law student societies. Each meeting includes a number of workshops, seminars and break-out groups on topics nominated by councillors based on issues facing their law society.
September Council
September Council 2018 will be in beautiful city of Perth, we look forward to seeing you there.
Constitutional Amendment - Removing ALEF
Constitutional Amendment - Changing Term of Committee
Motion 1: Change timing of ALSA Councils
Motion 2: Updating locations of ALSA Councils & Conferences
Motion 3: Updating Equity Grant to Reflect Other Changes
Motion 4: Updating Finance Bylaws to Reflect Other Changes
If you have any questions please email Jess